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The Muse

On every full and dark moon we host inspiring conversations with experts on women's health, menstruation and cyclical living

The Muse

The Huntress, Temple Priestess, Sacred $lut & Sensualist with Sophie Wurr
The Huntress, Temple Priestess, Sacred $lut & Sensualist with Sophie Wurr
Nov 27, 2023
Sophie is the heart & soul behind Wild Rose Wellness, she is a conduit for...
Fertile living with Emma Cannon
Fertile living with Emma Cannon
Nov 13, 2023
  Happy dark moon, this November we are musing with Emma Cannon on what its...
Sacred story of the cycle with Samantha Rose
Sacred story of the cycle with Samantha Rose
Oct 28, 2023
Samantha Rose is a Sacred Storyteller and Ceremonial Guide. She has been a storyteller from...
Cyclical Creativity with Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
Cyclical Creativity with Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
Sep 29, 2023
Co‐directors of Red School, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer have developed a radical new...
Rites of Passage with Samara Tanner
Rites of Passage with Samara Tanner
Sep 14, 2023
Samara is a Mother, Grandmother and Birth-keeper, moving through The threshold of her final cycle of womanhood. ...
Sexuality through your cycle with Kalindi Jordan
Sexuality through your cycle with Kalindi Jordan
Aug 15, 2023
Kalindi Jordan is an inspirational group facilitator and therapist working in the field of intimacy coaching,...
Menopause; a rite of passage with Kemi Johnson
Menopause; a rite of passage with Kemi Johnson
Jul 28, 2023
Kemi Johnson is a mother, birth-keeper, birth activist and birth nerd. She speaks and teaches about...