Cyclical Creativity with Alexandra Pope & Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
Co‐directors of Red School, Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer have developed a radical new approach to health and wellbeing, creativity, leadership and spiritual life, based on the power of the menstrual cycle.
Co‐authors of Wise Power: discovering power of menopause to awaken Authority Purpose and Belonging and Wild Power: Discover the Magic of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power, together they bring 45 years of researching and revealing the power of the menstrual cycle and the initiatory journey from menarche to menopause. They have created a new lexicon that describes this psychological and spiritual process, and in so doing have spearheaded this emerging new field of menstruality to support all people who menstruate.
Alexandra and Sjanie share the blue print of the creative process and how it mirrors the menstrual cycle. They bring light to creativity being a cyclical experience sharing how working with your menstrual cycle can support deeper connection to yourself and your creativity.
Website - redschool.net
Instagram - @red.school
Free Love Your Cycle course to begin your Cycle-Aware journey: